About Popular Results and Jobs:
POPULAR RESULTS AND JOBS is considered to be a landmark in the field of the "online results and jobs". In a few months it has grown up from a website to complete online portal for latest jobs and results. Today, the word "online results and jobs publishing" seems to be very simple, but the whole journey for achieving this can be considered as a great accomplishment. The great ideas, the diligent work and a vision made the ways.
Started with a single idea, a quick witted thought... "to help students ....saving their time and energy from queuing up in the long rows to peek in their results..." This simple idea turned into reality with the launch of POPULAR RESULTS AND JOBS in year 2013. The time when Internet made small footsteps in India, this idea changed the scenario of seeing the results. The percussion was clear and loud in the years to come. The people started to forgot about catching the first editions of newspapers in the wee hours, students don't jam up in the college corridors for their results anymore, and POPULAR RESULTS AND JOBS became a synonym for results. With foolproof data and fast servers, POPULAR RESULTS AND JOBS became another popular name in student fraternity. For the youth it still serves as a philanthropic medium of seeing their results and saving their time and efforts.

Today, after a decade of our journey, we have emerged as a platform for many additional services. We offer a number of solutions which are industry & business specific.

Our name: As our name suggests the website is based on the popular results and jobs. We collects results and jobs from private and government sectors.

Our Team: Our team is dedicated to our website. It collects latest jobs and results from each and every government and private company, universities and boards. Our team works 24x7 for our readers.